Eagle Home Products Mobility Aid LIBERTYTM 624 User Manual

Owner’s Manual  
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Thank you for purchasing your new LIBERTY™ 624 MINI-powerchair. The LIBERTY™ 624 MINI  
by Eagle Parts and Products utilizes a patent pending design coupled with advanced, state-of-the-art  
components and modern, attractive styling. We are certain the design, features and simple operation of  
your new LIBERTY™ 624 MINI will add convenience and benefits to your everyday life.  
It is important that you read and understand all the instructions in this manual before attempting to  
operate the powerchair. They are written for your benefit and are essential for safe and proper operation.  
By carefully reading this manual and following the recommendations, you can ensure that your  
LIBERTY™ 624 MINI will perform to your expectations and give you years of trouble-free service  
and fulfillment.  
This manual has been compiled from our latest specifications and product information at the time of  
publication. Eagle Parts and Products Inc reserves the right to make modifications and updates to any  
existing or previous models. Changes and improvements may cause slight variations in the illustration  
and explanation between this manual and your model.  
Eagle Parts and Products Inc prohibits operating your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI powerchair after or while  
consuming alcoholic beverages as this may impair your ability to operate a motorized vehicle. If there  
is any doubt about your ability to operate the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI due to prescribed medication or  
a physical limitation, please consult your physician. Eagle Parts and Products Inc is not responsible for  
damage or injury incurred due to improper or unsafe use of the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI.  
For more information concerning your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI please contact your LIBERTY dealer or  
write us at:  
Eagle Parts and Products Inc  
1411 Marvin Griffin Road  
Augusta, GA 30906  
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a practitioner licensed by  
the law of the State in which he/she practices.  
Introduction ................................................................................................1-2  
Table of Contents........................................................................................... 3  
Specification .................................................................................................. 4  
Recommended Use Guidelines...................................................................5-8  
Electromagnetic Interference....................................................................9-10  
Operating Instructions ............................................................................11-12  
Battery Gage Indicator................................................................................. 12  
Freewheeling ............................................................................................... 13  
Main Circuit Breaker................................................................................... 13  
Sleep Mode.................................................................................................. 14  
Charger Compartment ................................................................................. 14  
Horn Function.............................................................................................. 14  
Exploded Technical View 624 Mini ............................................................ 15  
Wiring Diagram........................................................................................... 16  
Battery Charging Instructions.................................................................17-20  
Care and Maintenance ............................................................................21-22  
General Inspections ..................................................................................... 23  
Battery Replacement.................................................................................... 24  
Storing Suggestions..................................................................................... 25  
Battery Connection and Circuit Protection Diagram................................... 26  
Warranty ...................................................................................................... 27  
Warranty Registration Card......................................................................... 28  
MODEL NUMBER ...................................................................................... L-624M  
Height.......................................................................................................................................... 36”  
Length.......................................................................................................................................... 27”  
Width........................................................................................................................................... 23”  
Turning Radius............................................................................................. Front-wheel-Drive 21”  
.....................................................................................................Rear--wheel-Drive 27”  
Weight ............................................................................................................................Base--96lbs  
.......................................................................................................................Seat-- 37lbs  
.........................................................................................................Battery.25 x 2. 50lbs  
Total Weight ........................................................................................................................... 183lbs  
Weight Capacity ..................................................................................................................... 300lbs  
Drive Wheels.........................................................................................Optional 10x3” Solid Insert  
...............................................................................................Standard 10x3” Pneumatic  
Casters--Front.................................................................................................... Flat-Free…8--Solid  
Controller .................................................................................................................. Programmable  
Range........................................................................................... 15--20. Miles Per Battery Charge  
Battery Charge..................................................................................................Standard - On Board  
Batteries..........................................................................(2) 12V U1 Sealed Lead Acid Or Gel Cell  
Seat Dimensions............................................................................................................... Width 18”  
......................................................................................................................... Depth 16”  
........................................................................................................................ Height 17”  
High Back-Seat ................................................................................... OPTIONAL---.Height 19.5”  
High-Back-Seat w/Head-rest..............................................................OPTIONAL-----Height 26.5”  
Foot- Plate ............................................................................Standard - Height & Angle Adjustable  
Armrest................................................................................. Standard -Adjustable Width & Height  
Front/Rear Ant-Tip-Wheels—5.5......................................................................................Standard  
The LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is a life enhancement device designed to provide added mobility to a variety  
of individuals. There are, however, some unforeseen medical conditions that may necessitate certain  
individuals to have added assistance from an attendant. Prior to use of the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI , any  
common occurrences that can be foreseen (i.e., slopes, rough terrain, hills) should be practiced by the  
operator, attendant(s), and health care professional(s).  
Eagle Note: Do not operate the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI without thoroughly reading this manual.  
Be certain the on/off switch is in the off position when not riding or getting on or off. This will  
eliminate the possibility of accidentally activating the joystick and possibly causing injury.  
Do not exceed the specifications in this manual or do not attempt to modify the LIBERTY™ 624  
MINI in any way that is not authorized by Eagle Parts. Unauthorized modifications of the original  
design could cause the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI to become unsafe and personal injury can result. Any  
modifications not authorized by Eagle Parts may cause the powerchair to malfunction and will void  
the warranty. Contact your provider if you have any questions regarding this manual.  
Please keep your arms on the armrests and your feet on the footrest at all times while operating the  
LIBERTY™ 624 MINI to prevent hitting objects as you are riding.  
The LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is designed to carry a single person. Do not carry passengers under any  
circumstances or the powerchair will become unstable and possibly tip over. Personal injury may  
also result.  
Always go straight up or down a hill when driving on an incline. This will allow the front and rear  
wheels to climb up or go down together. This will reduce the possibility of the LIBERTY™ 624  
MINI overturning.  
Use extreme caution when driving or operating on public or busy streets, in parking lots or shopping  
Do not operate or store the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI where it could be exposed to the elements (rain,  
snow, mist and below freezing temperatures). This includes storage on an outside car/van lift. If  
attempting to operate the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI in the above conditions, possible damage could  
occur to the electrical system or loss of control could occur. Never attempt to drive an LIBERTY™  
624 MINI that has been exposed to moisture until it is dried thoroughly.  
Use caution when driving on a raised surface or near unprotected ledges or a drop off such as curbs,  
ramps, porches, or stairs.  
Disconnect the batteries if you will not be using the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI for an extended period  
of time.  
Check with your Physician or Pharmacist if you are taking any medication that may affect your  
ability to operate the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI. The powerchair is a motorized vehicle that requires  
mental judgement and reflexes. If taking medication impairs your ability to operate the LIBERTY™  
624 MINI, an accident or personal injury may result.  
Do not drink alcoholic beverages while operating the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI.  
If your chair is equipped with pneumatic tires, be sure the tires are properly inflated to 30 psi. This  
will insure the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is operating at its peak performance and will greatly improve  
your stability.  
Eagle Note: DO NOT EXCEED 35 PSI.  
LIBERTY™ 624 MINI comes standard with pneumatic tires.  
Never, under any circumstances, use the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI as a seat in a motor vehicle. The  
LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is not an approved motor vehicle seat.  
If possible, avoid stopping on an incline. It is always best to stop on level, flat surfaces where there  
is no possibility of overturning or tipping the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI.  
Do not operate in icy or slippery conditions. This will increase the possibility of an accident and  
possible personal injury.  
Always protect the batteries from freezing temperatures and never charge a frozen battery. This  
will damage the battery and may cause personal injury. Attempting to charge a battery in freezing  
conditions will not prevent a battery from freezing  
Persons with disabilities, which limit their ability to remain upright without assistance, should  
consult with their Physician before attempting to operate the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI.  
Transferring to and from your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI requires a good sense of balance. Be sure to  
have proper assistance available while learning to safely transfer to and from your LIBERTY™ 624  
To eliminate the possibility of injury to yourself and others Eagle Parts and Products ask that you  
verify the following before attempting to transfer.  
1. The power must be turned OFF.  
2. Make certain the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is not in the freewheel position.  
3. Angle the footrest to an up position. This will help to avoid your feet being tangled during the  
4. Make sure the armrests are flipped up or removed from the powerchair.  
EAGLE WARNING: Avoid putting all of your weight on the footrest. If you fail to heed this  
warning, a tip or fall may occur.  
Motor Vehicles  
Your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is not manufactured with the intent of providing proper restraint during  
motor vehicle transport.  
Never allow anyone to sit in the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI in a moving vehicle.  
Always be sure your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is secured properly while being transported.  
EAGLE WARNING: Failure to adhere to the above warnings can result in serious injury.  
Weight Limitations  
Your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is rated for a maximum weight of 300lbs. Exceeding the weight capacity  
will void your warranty and may result in personal injury.  
Public Roads and Parking Lots  
When seated in your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI, it may be difficult for motorists to see you. To ensure  
safety, always assume you cannot be seen. Wait until your path is clear of traffic and proceed with  
extreme caution.  
Eagle Note: Many municipalities have laws against operating your powerchair on public roads.  
Be sure to check local laws before attempting to operate on a public road.  
Stairs and Escalators  
Powerchairs are not designed to travel up or down stairs and escalators. Always use an elevator. Trying  
to navigate steps or escalators can result in injury to you and others.  
Steps and Curbs  
Your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is designed to be used in wheelchair accessible locations. Never attempt to  
climb a step or curb more than 2 inches in height without assistanc  
Inclines and Uneven Terrain  
When climbing hills, it is important to travel as straight up and down as possible. Traveling straight  
greatly reduces the possibility of tipping or falling. Always exercise extreme caution when navigating  
an incline.  
Never travel up or down an incline that can be potentially hazardous, i.e., snow, ice or mowed grass.  
When climbing a hill, try to keep the powerchair moving. If you must stop, start slowly and accelerate  
When descending an incline, keep your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI at a slow speed. If your LIBERTY™  
624 MINI starts to move faster than you anticipated do, allow the unit to come to a complete stop by  
releasing the joystick. Then guide the joystick forward slightly and continue your descent.  
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) From Radio Wave Sources  
This is to let you know that laboratory tests performed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  
indicated that radio waves could cause unintended motion of powerchairs. Radio waves are a form of  
electromagnetic energy. When this energy unintentionally affects the operation of a device, it is called  
“electromagnetic interference” (EMI).  
The following information summarizes what you need to know about EMI. You can use this information  
to minimize the risk that EMI will affect your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI.  
Where do radio waves originate?  
Radio waves are emitted from the antennas of cellular phones, mobile two-way radios (like ones  
used in police, fire and emergency vehicles), hand-held two-way radios (like walkie-talkies), TV  
stations, radio stations, amateur radio (HAM) transmitters, wireless computer links, microwave  
sources and paging transmitters. Because electromagnetic (EM) energy is more intense closer to the  
transmitting antenna (source), the EM fields from two-way radios are of special concern.  
If my powerchair is affected by EMI, what kind of motion should I expect?  
This is hard to predict. It would depend on a number of factors including the intensity of the radio  
waves, the construction of the powerchair, whether it is on level ground or on a slope or incline, and  
whether it is in motion or stationary. The motion can be erratic with the powerchair moving by itself  
or coming to a sudden stop. Further, it is possible for EMI to unexpectedly release the brakes on  
a powerchair or cause it to move in unintended directions. Some intense sources of EMI can even  
damage the control system of the powerchair.  
Is there any way to definitely know whether radio waves are responsible for the unintended  
motion of my powerchair?  
Unfortunately, interference from radio wave sources may be difficult to recognize since the signals  
from these sources are invisible and may be intermittent. However, FDA recommends that you  
report all incidents of unintended motion or brake release to the powerchair manufacturer, and, if  
possible, make note whether there was a radio wave source nearby at the time of the incident.  
Has anyone been injured from erratic unintended motion of powerchairs?  
FDA has reports of injuries that resulted from uncontrolled motion of powerchairs but it is not clear  
how many of these incidents were actually caused by radio wave interference.  
Are all powerchairs susceptible to EMI?  
Each make and model differs in its ability to resist electromagnetic interference. Each has a  
particular level of “immunity” to interference measured in volts per meter (V/m). The higher the  
immunity levels the greater the protection. In other words, a powerchair with a high immunity level  
is less likely to be affected by an intense radio source than one with a low immunity level.  
If you want to find out how well your powerchair is protected against EMI, you can contact the  
manufacturer and inquire about its immunity level.  
Commonly Asked Questions  
What can I do to reduce the risk that my powered powerchair could be affected by EMI?  
Here are some precautions you can take:  
1. Do not turn ON or used hand-held personal communication devices, such a cellular phones or  
citizens band (CB) while the powered LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is ON.  
2. Be aware of nearby transmitters, such as TV stations or radio and hand-held or mobile two-way  
radios, and try to avoid coming close to them. For example, a powered LIBERTY™ 624 MINI  
with an immunity level of 20V/m should stay at least three feet from a hand-held, two-way radio  
and ten feet from a mobile two-way radio.  
3. Be aware that adding accessories or components, or modifying the powered LIBERTY™ 624  
MINI may make it more susceptible to interference from radio wave sources. (Note: There is  
no easy way to evaluate their effect on the overall immunity of the powered LIBERTY™ 624  
What should I do if my powered LIBERTY™ 624 MINI moves unexpectedly?  
If untended motion or brake release occurs, turn the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI OFF as soon as it is  
If my powered LIBERTY™ 624 MINI moves unexpectedly, where should I report this?  
You should report the incident to:  
The manufacturer and/or distributor, and FDA’s MedWatch problem reporting program. Call 1-800-  
FDA-1088 and ask for Form 3500.  
You have already examined the safe use of the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI. You now need to understand the  
basic operation of the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI. These preferred methods are strongly recommended and  
very simple to follow. Please read this section in its entirety to ensure a full understanding of operating  
your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI.  
Step 1. Getting started: To get started, press the on/off button. The battery condition meter will  
illuminate indicating the present charge of your battery.  
Step 2. Moving your powerchair: Guide the joystick in the direction you wish to move the powerchair.  
The further you guide the joystick from the center, or neutral position, the faster the  
LIBERTY™ 624 MINI will move.  
The LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is equipped with an adjustment knob or mode switch depending on which  
controller you have, that help you select the speed best suited to your requirements and environment.  
The speed control knob allows you to set the maximum speed of the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI to  
your specific needs. To increase the maximum speed, turn the knob clockwise. To decrease the  
maximum speed, turn the knob counterclockwise. (for pilot)  
The pilot + controller (opt) uses a mode switch for increasing or decreasing the speed. To  
activate, press the mode switch, time and speed mode lights will begin to flash. Next, push the  
joystick to the right or left depending if you want to increase or decrease the speed. NOTE: THE  
Eagle Note: We recommend that the first few times you operate your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI, you  
turn both the speed control and response control completely counterclockwise to allow you to become  
familiar with your new powerchair.  
The LIBERTY™ 624 MINI will always come to a complete stop and the brake will engage when the  
LIBERTY™ 624 MINI joystick is released or moved to the neutral (center) position.  
WARNING: Never use the on/off button to stop the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI. This will cause the  
LIBERTY™ 624 MINI to stop immediately and possibly cause injury.  
The LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is equipped with either an integral or remote power chair controller. These  
controllers are designed with the user safety as the primary consideration. It is equipped with various  
self-diagnostic features that are designed to search for potential problems at the rate of 100 times per  
second. If the controller detects a problem in the powerchair’s electrical system, the powerchair may  
stop functioning, depending on the severity of the problem. The controller is designed to maximize user  
safety under normal operation conditions.  
This controller, however, cannot take into account circumstances that put the LIBERTY™ 624  
MINI outside of its normal operating environment as described within this manual. If is very  
important that the users follow the precautions described within this manual.  
Battery Gauge  
The battery gauge’s main purpose is to indicate to the user the approximate amount of battery life  
* Red, Yellow and Green indicate that batteries are fully charged.  
* Red and Yellow indicates that you should charge your battery if possible.  
* Red indicator indicates that you should charge your battery as soon as possible because low battery  
voltage may cause the powerchair to become inoperative.  
Eagle Note: When the batteries begin to approach a discharged state, the meter will begin to slowly  
flash indicating that it is time to charge the batteries.  
In addition to indicating the current state of battery charge, the individual lights on your joystick  
assembly can also indicate possible problems with the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI. A rapid flash of the  
battery condition meter signifies a problem. The meter has 10 individual bars. They are to provide  
information by the amount of bars that are flashing. For instance, the very first red bar flashing  
rapidly indicates the battery voltage is nearly depleted. The following is a list of the possible errors  
signified by the rapidly flashing meter.  
High Battery Voltage  
Solenoid Brake Fault  
Possible Controller Fault  
Possible Joystick Fault  
Inhibit Active  
Check Batteries  
Check Motor/Brake Wiring  
See Authorized Service Center  
See Authorized Service Center  
Unplug Charger/Check  
Right Motor Wiring Fault Check  
Right Motor Disconnected  
Left Motor Wiring Fault  
Left Motor Disconnected  
Low Battery Voltage  
Right Motor Wiring  
Check Right Motor Wiring  
Check Left Motor Wiring  
Check Left Motor Wiring  
Check Batteries/Battery Wiring  
For convenience, your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is equipped with two freewheel levers. These levers  
allow you to disengage the drive motors and maneuver the chair manually. Locate the 2 metal bars  
protruding from the frame cover and turn them toward the outside of the powerchair. To reengage  
the drive motors, turn the metal levers back to the forward position. If the lever is difficult to move  
in either direction, press the lever downward and roll the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI forward and  
backward slightly. The lever should then move to the desired position.  
Eagle Note: It is important to remember that when the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is in the freewheel  
position, the braking system is disengaged.  
WARNING: Avoid placing the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI in freewheel on an incline as the unit could  
roll on its own causing injury.  
Main Circuit Breaker  
The circuit breaker is located under the main body cover on the left rear side of the frame.  
The main circuit breaker is a safety feature built into your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI. When the  
batteries and the motors are subjected to excessive loads, the main circuit breaker might trip  
to prevent damage to the motors and/or electronics. If this happens, allow the unit to rest for  
approximately one minute, to allow time for the automatic rest circuit breaker to reset. You may  
wish to charge the batteries more frequently and have an authorized service center or service station  
load test the batteries to determine how they operate under normal operation.  
Eagle Note: If the main circuit breaker continues to trip, you should return to your authorized  
LIBERTY™ 624 MINI dealer for service.  
Sleep Mode  
Your new LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is equipped with a Sleep Mode. This is a built-in circuit that will  
automatically shut off the main power if the joystick is not moved in any direction for approximately  
5 minutes. To restore power, push the on/off power button twice.  
Charger Compartment  
The charger compartment allows easy access to the charger cord needed to charge your batteries.  
There are two (2) items located in the charger compartment.  
1. Charger Cord (On-Board Charger)  
This is your charger power cord. See battery-charging instructions beginning on page 18  
2. Battery Wiring Diagram  
Horn Operation – Remote LIBERTY™ 624 MINI, (Optional w/Pilot Plus Controller).  
To engage the horn, depress the red button to the lower right of the joystick. Release the button to  
stop the horn from sounding.  
Your batteries and battery charger are some of the most important parts of your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI.  
The battery charger is specifically designed to optimize the performance of your powerchair by charging  
the batteries as quickly as possible and extending their service life.  
The battery charger connects to the standard wall outlet voltage of 120 VAC (alternating current) and  
converts it to 24 VDC (direct current). Direct current (or DC) is what your batteries deliver to operate  
your Liberty.  
Battery Charging Instructions  
Your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI utilizes two long lasting 12-volt deep cycle batteries that are sealed  
and maintenance free. They are recharged by an on-board charging system located inside the charger  
Follow these steps to safely charge your batteries.  
Step one: Place your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI within reach of a standard wall outlet.  
Step two: Make sure the controller power is in the OFF position.  
Step three: Gently lift the charger compartment lid. Extend the charger power cord and plug into a wall  
Eagle Note: The LIBERTY™ 624 MINI incorporates an inhibit function which disables the powerchair  
when the charger is plugged into a wall outlet. Your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI will not respond to  
operating commands while the charger is connected to the outlet.  
Eagle Parts and Products supplies your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI with a state-of-the-art charger. Your  
charger uses two light indicators, with three colors, to simplify the charging process. When you plug in  
the cord you will notice a red light indicator letting you know the charger has power and a yellow light  
indicator letting you know the batteries are charging. When the yellow indicator turns green your battery  
is fully charged.  
We recommend leaving your chair plugged in while not in use. You can not overcharge due to a built-  
in cut-off mechanism within the charger. Once the batteries have reached full charge your charger  
automatically shuts off.  
Step four: When fully charged, unplug the power cord, coil the cord, and place the cord back into the  
charger compartment. Replace the trunk lid. Wheelchair is ready to operate.  
Answering your Battery Charger Questions  
How does my charger work?  
When the battery voltage is low, as indicated by your battery level display on your controller, the  
charger recharges the voltage power to bring up the battery charge. As the battery voltage approaches  
full charge, the charger does not work as hard to complete the charging cycle. When the battery is  
fully charged, the yellow indicator light on the charger turns green.  
Can I use a different battery charger?  
Eagle parts and Products does not recommend using a different battery charger. For the most  
efficient and even charging of the batteries, we prefer simultaneous charging of both batteries by the  
supplied LIBERTY™ 624 MINI charger.  
How often must I charge the batteries?  
Many factors should be considered when deciding how often to charge the batteries. You may use  
your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI all day on a daily basis or you may not use it for several weeks. Driver  
and baggage weight, smooth or rough terrain, flat areas or inclines and speed are all considerations  
for determining how often to charge the batteries.  
Keeping these factors in mind you should consider how often and for how long you should charge?  
The charger is designed to prevent overcharging of the batteries. This way the only problem you  
may encounter is not charging your batteries on a regular basis. It will not harm your batteries if you  
charge them everyday. By following these suggested guidelines your batteries will provide safe and  
reliable operation.  
1. If you use your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI within a day: Charge the powerchair as soon as you finish  
using it. The charger is fully automatic so it will not overcharge your batteries. Your powerchair  
will be ready each morning to give you a full day’s service.  
2. If you use your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI infrequently (once a week or less): Charge the  
powerchair at least once per week for 12-14 hours. Eagle reminder: Keep your batteries fully  
charged and avoid deeply discharging your batteries.  
How can I get maximum range or distance per charge?  
On most occasions you will not have an ideal driving situation such as smooth, flat terrain with no wind,  
hills or curves. More often you are presented with hills, sidewalk cracks, uneven and loosely packed  
surfaces, curves and wind. All these factors will affect the distance or running time per battery charge.  
The following are a few suggestions for obtaining maximum range per charge:  
1. Always charge your batteries fully prior to operating.  
2. Maintain 30-35 lb. pressure in pneumatic wheels.  
3. Plan your trip in advance to avoid inclines if possible.  
4. Limit your baggage weight to the minimum.  
5. Try to maintain an even speed and avoid stop and go driving.  
What type of battery should I use?  
We recommend “deep cycle” batteries that are maintenance free and sealed, which eliminates the  
possibility of leakage. Both “Sealed Lead Acid” and “Gel Cell” are deep cycle batteries and similar  
in performance.  
These are the specifications used to reorder the “deep cycle” batteries:  
Deep Cycle (Sealed Lead Acid or Gel Cell)  
12V each  
31 amp  
Why do my new batteries seem weak?  
Deep cycle batteries use a much different chemical technology than those in car batteries, nickel-  
cadmium (Ni-Cads) or other common battery types. They are specifically designed to provide full  
power until deeply discharged, then accept a relatively quick recharge. Fresh batteries are shipped  
with a full charge. Extreme temperatures during shipping may influence their initial performance.  
Heat will diminish the charge from the battery, cold will slow the power available and extend the  
time needed to recharge (similar to a car battery).  
It could take a few days for the temperature to stabilize and adjust to your room temperature. It will  
take a few “charging cycles” (a partial drain – then full recharge) to establish the critical chemical  
balance that is essential to the battery’s peak performance and long life.  
If you take the time to break in your battery properly, it will ensure good performance and longevity  
of the batteries. Remember that how long your battery will provide service is often a reflection of  
the care it receives. This is our recommendation to break in your new batteries:  
Fully recharge any new battery prior to initial use. This will give your battery about 85%  
Run your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI around the house and the yard.  
Give the batteries another full charge and run the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI again. The batteries will  
not perform over 90% of their potential.  
After 4-5 charging cycles, the batteries will stabilize at 100% charge and last for an extended period.  
How can I insure maximum battery life?  
A fully charged, deep cycle battery will provide reliable performance and extended battery life, so  
whenever possible, keep your batteries fully charged.  
EAGLE CAUTION: Batteries that are regularly deeply discharged, infrequently charged, or  
stored without a full charge may be permanently damaged, causing unreliable operation and  
limited life.  
How should I store my powerchair and batteries?  
If you plan on not using your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI for an extended period, it is best to fully charge  
the batteries prior to storing. Disconnect the battery terminal and store the unit in a warm, dry  
environment. Avoid extreme temperatures, freezing conditions and never attempt to charge a frozen  
battery. A frozen battery should be warmed for several days prior to recharging.  
What are my limits on public transportation?  
Sealed Lead Acid and Gel Cell batteries are designed for application in powerchairs and other  
mobility vehicles. They are FAA approved, allowing safe transportation on aircraft, buses, and  
trains, as there is no danger of spillage or leakage. We suggest you contact the ticket counter in  
advance to determine the carrier’’ specific requirements.  
If you wish to ship the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI to your destination by a freight company, repack the  
LIBERTY™ 624 MINI in the original shipping container and ship your batteries in separate boxes.  
Only use Sealed Lead Acid or Gel Cell type batteries which are maintenance free. Do not use wet  
cell batteries in which the caps are removable.  
Your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is designed to require a minimal amount of care and maintenance. As the  
owner of the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI you are responsible for the upkeep of your powerchair. If you have  
any doubt as to its care or operation, please return the powerchair to your dealer for inspection.  
Eagle Parts and Products suggest the following care, maintenance, cleaning and storage ideas to ensure  
the very best performance out of your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI.  
Daily Performance Review  
1. Turn the controller power OFF position.  
2. Check the joystick for any visible damage.  
3. Guide the joystick to each corner of the controller and release. If it does not return to the center, do  
not use the chair.  
4. Inspect the body for any structural damage.  
5. Completely charge the batteries.  
Weekly Checks  
It is important that you test the electric brake on a weekly basis. To do this, follow these simple steps:  
1. Place your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI on a flat surface with adequate room.  
2. Turn the controller to the on position.  
3. The battery gauge should illuminate within one second.  
4. Push the joystick forward until the brakes release.  
5. Release the joystick. The brakes should engage within a few seconds.  
6. Repeat the above procedure in each direction, reverse, left and right.  
7. Check all connectors to ensure proper connections and inspect for any visible damage.  
8. Examine all cables for possible damage.  
9. Inspect the rubber gaiter around the joystick base for damage.  
10. Make sure all electronic components are securely attached to your chair.  
11. Inspect tires for proper inflation, if they are pneumatic. This helps reduce excessive wear.  
Monthly Checks  
In addition to the above, also inspect all hardware to ensure it is secure. Perform all operational tests  
and calibrations.  
Never hose off your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI or place it in direct contact with water.  
Your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI has a clear-coated plastic shroud that can be easily wiped clean with a  
damp cloth. Never use any chemicals to clean the vinyl seat as they may cause the seat to become  
slippery or brittle. Use soapy water and dry thoroughly.  
To clean your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI follow these simple recommendations by Eagle Parts and  
Products Inc:  
1. Use a clean damp cloth to wipe away any dirt or other substances from the clear-coated plastic  
shroud that surrounds your powerchair frame.  
2. Use warm soapy water and a clean cloth to clean vinyl seat. Use a clean cloth to dry seat thoroughly.  
Always do a complete inspection on your chair if transporting and also after it has reached its  
destination. If your controller becomes contaminated with food or drink, clean with damp cloth and  
perform a complete check before operating.  
The following areas require periodic inspection and/or care and maintenance:  
1. Tire Pressure: Inflate the drive tires to 30 PSI. Do not exceed 35-PSI air pressure in any tire.  
(pneumatic tires only)  
2. Tire Condition and Tread Wear: Use a rubber conditioner on the tires.  
3. Battery Terminal Connections: Be sure the connections remain tight and are not corroded.  
Batteries must sit flat within the battery well area with the battery terminals facing inward toward  
each other. Refer to the frame decal for a visual guide.  
4. Wiring Harness: Check for insulation damage, especially the battery charger cord. If this cord is  
damaged, it should be replaced prior to the next use.  
5. Plastic Cover: The shroud has been sprayed with a clear sealant coating. It will retain its high gloss  
with a light application of car wax.  
6. Drive Wheel Bearings, Front Anti-tip Bearings, Rear Axle Bearings and Motor/Brake  
Assembly: These are all pre-lubricated, sealed and require no subsequent lubrication.  
7. Motor Brushes: The motor brushes are the two contacts located inside the motor assembly that  
supply power to the motor. They are designed to provide many hours of operation but if they  
become dirty with carbon deposits, the motor will run poorly or not at all. We recommend your  
authorized dealer inspect them every six months or sooner if your LIBERTY runs inadequately. If  
inspection determines excessive wear on the brushes, they must be replaced or motor damage will  
result. Eagle Note: Failure to do so could void the warranty.  
8. The Joystick and Electronic Controller Assemblies: Be sure to keep these areas free from  
moisture. In the event these components are exposed to moisture, let them dry thoroughly before  
attempting to operate the powerchair.  
If you should encounter a flat tire on your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI please follow these easy stops for a  
safe repair:  
1. Completely deflate the tire.  
2. Use a 7/16-inch wrench to remove the screw from the center hub of the flat tire.  
3. Pull the wheel off of the power base.  
4. Remove the tire from the rim using tire tools only, never use screwdriver this can cause damage to  
the tire and rim.  
5. Remove the old tube and/ or tire and replace with the new one.  
6. Reinstall the tire with new tube back onto the rim.  
7. Slide the wheel back onto the motor shaft. Apply thread lock compound to the screw and tighten  
8. Inflate the tire to 30-35 psi.  
NOTE: Replacement tires and tubes are readily available at the dealership where your LIBERTY™ 624  
MINI was purchased or any authorized LIBERTY™ 624 MINI dealer.  
Battery Replacement  
The following are instructions to replace batteries if necessary. Refer to diagram on page. This diagram  
is also printed on a decal on the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI frame near the battery tray.  
1. Turn the power OFF.  
2. Remove the seat.  
3. Remove the body.  
4. Remove the battery cables from the battery terminals.  
5. Remove old batteries from the battery tray.  
6. Install new batteries into battery tray.  
7. Reconnect the battery cables to the battery terminals, following the diagram on page.  
You should store your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI in a dry, temperature controlled environment. Certain  
environmental conditions can affect the performance of your powerchair. Please be aware of the  
following extreme conditions and take precautions to avoid them.  
Eagle Note: When storing, make certain the batteries are disconnected from the unit. See battery  
information for complete instructions.  
Eagle Note: Failure to store the unit as suggested may cause rusting of the frame as well as damage to  
the powerchair electronics  
Your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is susceptible to damage from the elements. Try to avoid damp areas  
of any kind. Direct exposure to water in any form: rain, sleet or snow could cause the powerchair to  
malfunction electronically and mechanically. Water can cause electrical components to corrode and the  
frame to prematurely rust. Should your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI come in contact with water act quickly  
to take these steps:  
1. Dry as much as possible.  
2. Allow your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI to sit in a warm, dry place for 12 hours to allow remaining water  
to evaporate.  
3. Perform all safety and operational tests as indicated on page before use.  
4. If any inconsistencies are found, take your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI to an authorized Eagle Parts  
service center.  
Some of the parts of your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI are susceptible to extreme changes in temperature.  
Possible reactions to extreme temperatures may be freezing of your batteries in very temperatures below  
18 degrees Fahrenheit. (The specific temperature at which they will freeze depends on a number of  
factors such as battery charge, use, and composition of the batteries, e.g. sealed lead acid of gel cell).  
– or – reduced operating speed at temperatures above 122 degrees Fahrenheit.  
If you are storing your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI for an extended period of time, you may want to block  
the unit up off the ground with boards under the frame. This will keep the tires of the ground and  
prevent the possibility of flat spots developing.  
Thermal Rollback  
Your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI is equipped with a thermal rollback circuit. This circuit monitors the  
temperature of the motors and controller. In the event the motors or controller become excessively hot  
(above 122 degrees Fahrenheit), the controller will reduce the speed of your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI to  
about one-half of normal which will allow the components to cool down. When the temperature returns  
to a safe level, your LIBERTY™ 624 MINI will resume normal speed.  
Limited warranty:  
Structural frame/Frame Welds----Lifetime-Limited  
Electronics/Controller----12 Months  
Motor/Trans-Axle----12 Months  
Charger----12 Months  
Warranty Exceptions:  
Trans-axle: In cases where there is and increase in the operational noise level, the warranty will not apply. (This usually occurs due to abusive and  
excessive strain on scooter.)  
Motor: If damage occurs to commutator of motor as a result of not replacing motor brushes after heavy wear to brushes. Motor brushes are wear  
items and will not be warranted.  
Battery Warranty is covered by the battery manufacturer. EAGLE PARTS AND PRODUCTS, INC. does not cover battery  
One Year Limited Warranty:  
For one year from date of purchase, EAGLE PARTS AND PRODUCTS, INC. will repair or replace at our option to the original purchaser, free of  
charge, any part found upon examination by an authorized representative of EAGLE PARTS AND PRODUCTS, INC. to be defective in material and/or  
Warranty service can be performed only by an authorized dealer or by EAGLE PARTS AND PRODUCTS INC. D0 not return faulty parts to EAGLE  
damage incurred while submitting parts for repair or replacement are the responsibility of the original purchaser.  
Warranty Exclusions:  
ABS plastic shrouds are a wear item and not warranted.  
Batteries (battery manufacturer provides a 6 months limited warranty).  
Damage caused by:  
Abuse, misuse, accident or negligence.  
Improper operation, maintenance or storage.  
Other than normal use.  
Repairs and/or modifications made to any part without specific consent from EAGLE PARTS AND PRODUCTS, INC.  
Circumstances beyond the control of EAGLE PARTS AND PRODUCTS, INC.  
Labor, service calls, shipping and other charges incurred for repair of the product unless specifically authorized by EAGLE PARTS AND  
There is no other express warranty:  
Implied warranties, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are  
Limited to one year from the date of purchase and to extent permitted by law. Any and all  
Implied warranties are excluded. This is the exclusive remedy. Liabilities for consequential dam-  
Ages under any and all warranties are excluded.  
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or do not allow the  
Exclusion of limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may  
not apply to you.  
This warranty gives you specific rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.  
Any modification not approved by EAGLE PARTS AND PRODUCTS, INC. will void warranty.  
LIBERTY™ 324, 424, 624, 324 MINI, 624 MINI & 624 RELIANCE  
(Please type or print)  
DATE PURCHASED: __________________________ SERIAL NO.: _______________________  
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________  
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________  
CITY: ___________________________________ STATE: ____________________ZIP: __________  
DEALER NAME: ___________________________________________________________________  
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________  
CITY: ___________________________________ STATE:____________________ZIP: __________  
AGE: _________ WEIGHT: ____________  
HEIGHT: _________  
SEX: ___________  
PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS – IF ANY: ___________________________________________________  
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________  
FAVORITE LIBERTY™ FEATURES: __________________________________________________  
If you would like us to send information about the LIBERTY™ PERSONAL MOBILITY  
VEHICLES to someone you think will Benefit from it please fill in the following:  
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________  
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________  
CITY: ___________________________________ STATE: ____________________ZIP: __________  
1411 Marvin Griffin Road  
Augusta, GA 30906  
1411 Marvin Griffin Road  
Augusta, GA 30906  

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